The Kemp Service


In our opinion just making great high quality sails is not enough. Sailing is your passion and a rather all-encompassing hobby so we like to make the experience of buying new sails or servicing existing ones a pleasurable, fun and if we can an educational experience. Of course we must be professional in our service but that does not need to come at the expense making it as enjoyable as possible. Here is what you can expect from us at Kemp Sails:

• Expert consultation that guides you through the choices of materials, construction methods and multiple hardware options.
• Consultation during the design process to ensure an accurate fit for your new sails.
• Guidance and advice throughout the measurement process.
• A complementary sail check within the first year of purchase.


Sailmaking Expertise

Kemp Sails was formed way back in 1985 when the use of CAD and CAM was in its infancy so our design and construction methods where fairly old school. Not hand sewn but ...


Sails are a major investment, so at Kemp Sails we strive to provide sail care and servicing that help you to with maximise your sails' performance and lifespan. The location of our lofts ...


Many of the cloths that we stock are made from High tenacity Polyester (PET). Polyester cloth offers our customers an affordable, yet highly developed material with great strength, UV resistance and durability ...