Beccy Forshaw


I think I am the longest serving inmate currently at Kemp Sails .  .  .  I’m not sure whether that’s an achievement or a punishment to boast about!

I’m married to a former Royal Marine hence the weird humour! We have children, a son, a carpenter and daughter geologist studying year 3 of her Masters in Hong Kong University (proud of both!!) We love the water, all of us, and the outdoor life. Paddle boarding is one of my favourite ways to spend the day!

I’m not a sailor, but have sailed a handful of times. My introduction to sailing was racing around the cans in Poole Harbour and not the G&T on the sundeck type of sailing unfortunately. However it was very enjoyable, I just never got “bitten by the bug!”

I initially joined the company over 25 years ago working in most departments and working London & Southampton Boat Shows in between. We added the Shade Sails string to our bow, approximately 14 years ago, and I have been running the Shade Sails side of the business for over 12 years, now a very successful arm of Kemp Sails. I have always been innovative and artistic which helps enormously in my role, very happy to finally unleash my creative side!